Friday, October 21, 2011

Miny traveling works of art!

Postage stamps, embassadors of the postal service; small images that travel around the world; each chosen to represent the nations from which they've began their journey!


 PARAGUAY ~ Source
ISREAL ~ Source


Monday, October 10, 2011

Take a look around

Study the world around you - Proportions; perspectives; colours, lines and movement. All around you is a wealth of visual knowledge that combined with your views and talent can create something new and unique. Always remember that art is a reflection of the artist's perspective; learn to communicate your message. 

Saturday, October 8, 2011

Comic Con MTL

I was never a full blown comic book fan, specifically the MARVEL comics that I personally find a little static. However I can appreciate the work involved and the talent it takes to make it in such a saturated Field. After a visit to Comic Con in Montreal this September I saw the proportions that such an industry can take! It was interesting to see the contrast between the underground and commercial comics, not to mention the array of interesting people that go to comic con! 

After spending the entire day of having a fantastic time in a whole different world that marches to an entire different beat. I spent the night going threw my man's old comic collection and was surprised to find some Spiderman comic book covers (illustrated by McFarlane) that I just love.